
How to Deal With Soy Allergies

Soy allergy is one of the most common food allergies. This can be a serious pain when you're vegan, and a deterrent to staying vegan. Many vegan food products, especially mock meat and cheese, contain soy. Relax, though, there is help! Here's a link to a great blog from fellow vegan blogger, snugglebunny!

Soy Protein Free Vegan Products

It's a great list of stuff that is animal and soy free. Check it out.

Food allergies can be avoided with some extra attention paid to label reading. Most food will be labeled as containing soy, wheat, or any of the other common allergies (except dairy and egg for some reason, wouldn't that make our lives easier?). Protein from soy is common in a vegan diet, so balance your meals with seitan, beans, nuts, or lentils to make sure that all of your bases are covered.

Stay Vegan!

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